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DTV Headend Broadcasting System

A Digital TV Signal is one more efficent technology, transmission of DTV signals via satellite, on cable and via terrestrial networks. enables operators to offer television with better picture and sound quality.

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company profile

Hangzhou Dibview Technology Co.,LTD. is a high-tech enterprise Specialized in Digital TV & IPTV equipment research and development, sales, engineering design, the hardware and software development. Established in 2006, which exported to more than 50 countries including the USA, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Iran, Israel, Brazil, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, South Africa, and so on, making a good contribution to the Broadcast headend industry.

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Our Advantage

Professional Provider

Providing world class, outstanding broadcasting quality equipment that enables operators to deliver professional Digital TV services at the highest possible quality.

DVB/IPTV Solutions

Provide end to end security solutions for DVB operators. Ensure that the Live and VOD services can be carried out safety, further protect the interests of operators and users.

Considerate & Reliable

Dibview team members are always paying great attention to quality controlling from the beginning to the end. Inspections of each step will be done during the production process

Brand Service

Cooperate with major Internet Platforms & Social Media Companies to promote global marketing and integrated brand strategy. With major air express courier to provide fast delivery.

All-in-One Live Streaming function

Any in, Any out, Anywhere NDI & NDI HX Encoding & Decoding & Transcoding


contact information

You can contact us any way that is convenient for you. We are available 24/7 via fax or email. You can visit our office personally.

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